When I look at creation, I am amazed. The creativity that God has blows my mind. When He created flowers, he didn’t create just one type of flower. Nor did He create just one color. Even flowers that are of the same type are different. There are red, pink, orange, white, black roses. The Creator designed each flower that blooms, hence the individuality of each one.
The animals are all different. Hence the reason we have poodles, pit bulls, German shepherds, and even chihuahuas. And each dog has its own unique feature. Which is where a lot of dogs get their names.
But Our Creator did not just uniquely design flowers and animals. He uniquely designed each one of us. Everyone has beautifully unique melanin.
We all have beautifully unique eye pigmentations. For example, my eyes will change colors based on my mood or even what I’m wearing. I have a family member that has two different colored eyes.
Even hair is wildly unique. You could have straight, curly, wavy, or even no hair.
My dad used to always says “God made some people perfect. Others he put hair on their head.”
And the one thing that I find awe inspiring is that each and every one of us has a unique thumb print. Even twins do not share a thumb print. That means we are all thumb body.
“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:14.
If you are struggling today with the idea that you are loved, that you are special, or that you are somebody, remember that God fearfully and wonderfully made you.
He took the time to create you and make you unique. There is no one like you. You are thumb body.
God cares about the details. Look at those details. What makes you different could be the thing that makes you special. The thing you dislike about yourself could be the thing someone loves about you.
The thing that makes you different could be the thing that points someone to Jesus.
For example, I have a friend who has Spina Bifida. And I am able to see how mighty God is because of what He has done through her despite everything she has gone through.
Maybe one day I can get her on here to share her testimony. Treasure your differences. Embrace them.
And I can tell you firsthand that this is not easy. It never is.
But that doesn’t mean it is impossible. Because it is possible but Only By God’s Amazing Grace.