Sunday, October 20, 2013

Excitement Over Snow

We woke up Friday morning to snow falling from the sky.  It was a beautiful sight.  Being from Texas, snow is a pretty new concept for the whole family.  Especially in October.  As we went down to the car, we noticed there was snow EVERYWHERE.  We have an ice scrapper that we had to use once or twice in the past 30 years when I lived in Texas.  So it was packed far away.  We had to think quick on our feet as the snow was piled at least 2 inches on the car.  The Hubs grabbed a bowl.  Pretty ingenuitive.  

We finally got the car to a point where all sides were clean and clear.  We could see out from every window and in every mirror.  So we were finally on our way.  The streets were wet, but they were not icy.  

When we finally arrived at our destination, school, we got Little Bit out of the car.  By this point, she was officially awake and aware of what was happening.  Once we put her down, she began jumping up and down and squealing with delight.  "Snow!  Snow!  Look at the snow!"  She was very excited.  As a native Texan, she was very unfamiliar with this foreign white stuff falling from the sky.  I was surprised she even knew what it was.   

It was a very simple thing that got her excited.  

It is amazing the things that get children excited.  

She gets excited when she sees a playground.  It is very hard to keep her contained.  She gets excited when she sees food.  She expects it to go in her tummy immediately.  She gets excited when we sing to her.  "I want another song.  Just one more."  Of course she says this 50 times.  Haha.  She gets excited when it is time to talk to Jesus.  She enjoys her conversations with Him.  She gets excited when it is Sabbath.  "I want go church and sing songs and learn about Jesus!"  It is amazing to see her get excited about these things.

I think this is what Jesus meant when He said "Verily I say unto you, Unless you be converted, and become as little children, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven."  

I want to be excited like Little Bit.  I want that joy that she has.  Now I can do without the jumping up and down and incorrect grammar, but I do want the excitement.  I don't know about you, but my goal is to enter the kingdom of Heaven.  I want to spend eternity with God.  

We should let the little things, especially the things about God, excite us.  But this is only possible By God's Amazing Grace!

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