So the other night on our walk, I came across this alcove. The trees went deep into the area. Open and free on the outside and the trees lined the inside. It was beautiful. I could see past the grass, the weeds, and the branches to the shadows of the alcove. I could see into the maze of beauty. So I wanted a reminder of what I currently saw and I wanted to shared this beauty with others. So I raised the camera and prepared it to take a permanent memory in digital form. The problem? My camera wouldn't go past the grass and weeds. It wouldn't focus on the depths of the alcove, only on what was immediately visible.
I began to realize my eyes were like how God sees us and the camera was like how we see each other. God looks past our weeds, or sins. He can see past it and can look into our hearts. He can see the beauty within us. God says in 1 Samuel 16:7, "Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
But as my camera could not see past the weeds, we, as humans, cannot , or choose not, to look past the sins of others. We choose not to look past what God has already forgiven. We cannot, we choose not, to see the beauty within. We cannot see the heart of others. But we need to see as Jesus sees. We need to forgive as Jesus forgives. Then we can see past all the hurts, all the habits, all the past sins. We don't need a digital reminder of our sins because when God forgives us, He throws our sins into the depths of the sea. We need to choose what we see.
I saw beauty. I want to see that beauty in others just like God sees beauty in others. I choose to look for beauty. But this is only possible By God's Amazing Grace.
Insightful, beautiful, and desperately needed thoughts. Thank you for letting God speak to me through you.