The Hubs, Little Bit, and I went to grab a bite to eat. That is usually an adventure with all my allergies. We get seated and await our waitress. I glance over the menu trying to find anything I am able to eat. When the waitress arrives, I explain my dilemma. Usually I get a weird look or even an audible “poor girl”. But this lady was amazing. She got me an allergen menu, which few places offer me. After perusing this menu, I finally decide on something and basically piece things together. She was extremely nice and accommodating about it all.
When our food arrived, Little Bit raised her hand. The Hubs and I looked at each other. We knew what she wanted. A spoon. She prefers to eat with a spoon. We encourage her to ask for it herself. We were sure she was going to look at one of us and ask us to ask for a spoon. The waitress looked at Little Bit. Little Bit then as confident as ever asked, “may I have a spoon?” The Hubs and I had to pick up our jaws off the table. The waitress said sure and went to grab the spoon.
Ow, Little Bit doesn’t talk to just anyone. She still has moments where she will not speak to anyone or around certain people. We were shook to say the least.
But it didn’t stop there.
Throughout the rest of the meal, Little Bit started conversations with our waitress. The waitress was so patient. She answered the questions Little Bit asked.
Since Little Bit was a baby, we have taught her about Jesus and His love for everyone. We have taught her that we love her, but Jesus loves her so much more. This night, Little Bit decided the waitress needed to know this as well.
Little Bit began asking her if she went to church, if she believed in God, and other questions along this line. I can’t remember all the questions she asked or all the answers that were given. But she became our little evangelist. Unashamedly speaking to our waitress about the love of God.
I believe we are truly blessed. We have so much to learn from our daughter. She will gladly hand a trac to a person without saying a word. Just a sweet smile. And people readily take it from her and actually look at it. Is it because she is just a cute kid? Maybe, I don’t know. But I do know God is using her. Little Bit will go people and tell them about Jesus.
We were at her chiropractor one day and she began telling him about church and why he should go. She isn’t embarrassed of Jesus. She isn’t shy with her love of God. She is very open to speaking about Jesus.
We all can learn from Little Bit. Relationships are important. She built a relationship with our waitress that night and she built one with her chiropractor. Jesus built relationships in His ministry. He had His close friends/disciples...Peter, James, and John. He was also friends with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. In Matthew 8, Jesus put forth His hand and touched the leper and cleansed him from his leprosy. Jesus met the relationship need of this individual before He ministered to Him. Having leprosy makes you an outcast and Jesus touched him. We have no idea how long it had been since he has last received touch.
Something else we learn from Little Bit about spreading the love of God is to not be ashamed, not to be embarrassed. 2 Timothy 1 says that God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, it of power, love, and a sound mind. Do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord. Ask God to give you courage to talk to others. He will give you what you need to talk to others about God’s love.
The third, and final, thing I can learn from Little Bit is to be simple. When she tells others about Jesus, she doesn’t use highfalutin words. She doesn’t give a research paper. She doesn’t give them a thesis paper. She is plain and simple. Jesus loves you. Jesus died on the cross for you. Many times when Jesus spoke to people, He spoke in a language they could understand. That is why He spoke in parables. The people could understand what He was talking about because they could relate to His words, His stories. When Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15, there were shepherds there that understood what it was like to lose a sheep and how it felt to find it again. The people understood. You don’t have to give a sermon to express the love of God.
I think Little Bit is a reason why Jesus said “Except you be converted, and become as little children, he shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 18:3. I want to be like Little Bit in this aspect. Have the courage to build those relationships and tell others about Jesus in the simplest way possible so they can understand. This is possible only By God’s Amazing Grace.
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