Little Bit doesn’t have food aversions, which we are very thankful for as this is prevalent with autistics. But she does have food she doesn’t like.
For example, she doesn’t like cooked bell peppers, raw onions, and jalapeños. We have a rule in our house that she has to at least try it. Take a bite. Not a nibble, but a bite of the food.
If she really doesn’t like it, then she doesn’t have to have it. Sometimes it is a good we know she likes but doesn’t want. She likes broccoli but for some reason she doesn’t want to eat it. There are times we make a new food with ingredients that she likes. Try it. Taste it. See if you like it.
You know, God tells us the same thing. In Psalm 34 verse 8, we are told, “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.”
But what is it that we need to taste? We can’t eat God. So what do we eat?
In Revelation chapter 8 verses 8-10, John is told to take the little book and eat it up. The book was sweet as honey in his mouth and bitter oh his belly. What book did he eat?
In Ezekiel 3 verses 1-4, God tells Ezekiel to eat the roll and speak to the house of Israel. God told him to cause thy belly to eat and fill thy bowels with the roll.
And it was in his mouth as honey for sweetness. What was this roll?
The book and the roll are the same thing. The Word of God.
Both men were prophets and received prophecy. But they had to eat the word to see that it was good.
Today, we are to eat the Word of God.
We are to consume the Word of God and see that He is good. Just like we tell Little Bit to just try it, we, too, need to try the Word of God. Just taste and we will have no doubt that God is good. Isaiah 55 verse 1 even tells says, “everyone that thirsteth, one ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. We are to eat for free. His Word is for everyone. No one is to go without.
If a brother doesn’t have the Word of God, share it with him. If a sister doesn’t have access to the Bible, provide access. They should be allowed to come and eat for free.
Take the time. Taste and see that the Lord is good. You won’t stop at just a few bites. You will come back for seconds and thirds. This is one time that is good to be gluttonous.
Fill up on His Word. This is possible only By God’s Amazing Grace.
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