I am absolutely terrified of water. Not just any water. I can handle swimming pools as long as there
is a solid concrete bottom, clear, clean water, and I have friends to swim with. I have to be able to see where I am
going. I cannot swim in lakes, oceans,
rivers, or ponds. Not only can I not see
through the water, but there is definitely not a solid foundation. It has little to do with the fact that I have
no idea what else in the water. But it
is not just that. There are other
The summer before the Hubs and I got married,
I worked at a church camp. One of the requirements
was to pass a swimming test. The
problem, the swimming pool was a lake. I
was terrified out of my mind. I jumped
in the water and was out of it in less than 10 seconds. Well, it seemed that way, at least. I never swam so fast in my life.
About a year before that, I went camping with
a youth group at church. One of the guys
took his boat with him. I remember
everyone trying to persuade me that getting on the boat would be no big
deal. Ha ha. Yeah.
Sure. As I was walking towards
the boat and I looked into the water, the tears began welling up in my eyes. I literally started crying. Seriously?
It was just a boat, right? Not like I had to even get IN the water. I know.
But it really is that bad.
But like I said, I am terrified of
water. I have a fear of it.
The Bible actually tells us to fear God. It is mentioned 45 times. But this fear is completely different than my
fear of water. In this context, it
actually means to have respect, reverence, or piety. It does not mean to be afraid of. It means to respect God. For example, in Ecclesiastes 12:13 it says, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear
God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” We can go back and replace the word “fear”
with its definition “respect”. “Let us
hear the conclusion of the whole matter: [Respect] God, and keep His
commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” If we respect God, we will keep His
commandments. And if we replace fear with respect in Revelation 14:7, it will say, “saying
with a loud voice, [respect] God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his
judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and
the fountains of waters.”
It is not about fear. It is about respect. Why would God tell us to “fear not” 63 times
and “do not be afraid” 7 if He wanted us to be afraid of Him. He doesn't want us to be afraid of Him. He wants us to show Him respect. He wants us have reverence towards Him. When I come to God, I am not terrified. I don’t cry out in fear when I get close to
Him. I don’t rush through my devotionals
with Him. I enjoy my time with God. I enjoy praying to Him, reading the Bible,
and even talking about Him. These are
pleasurable moments, not moments of fear.
When someone asks you, “Why
do you serve a God who says to fear Him?”
Remember, it is not fear He is asking for. He is asking for respect and reverence. He is not asking us to be afraid of Him. God is our Creator (Genesis 1:1). He is our Friend (John 15:15). He is our Teacher (John 7:14). He is our Healer (Matthew 4:23-24). He is our Law Maker/Giver (Exodus 20). The people that fill these positions today
receive great respect. Or I should say,
they deserve great respect. If mankind
receives respect in their sinfulness, shouldn't God receive respect in His
1 John 4:8 says, “He who
does not love does not know God, for God is love.” And 1 John 4:18 says,
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear
involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” So if God is love and there is not fear in
love, then how are we supposed to fear Him who is Love? We aren't.
His love is perfect. There is no
When you come to God, don’t
come in fear. Come in love. Come with respect. Reverence Him. This is possible because of God’s Amazing
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