Friday, June 12, 2020

The Wedding

I received an invitation to a wedding in the mail.   I get really excited about weddings when I know God has ordained the relationship.  It is quite obvious that God is leading in theirs.  This is an exciting time for them.  I couldn't imagine missing the wedding of these beautiful people.  So when I received the invitation, I immediately said, "Yes, we will be there!" I couldn't imagine saying no to my friend and her soon to be husband.  

But the crazy thing? There was a wedding where the wedding guests all said no.  To a king.  Can you believe it?  A king was holding a wedding for his son.  He sent out all the invitations.  No one RSVP'd.  No one showed.  The king sent his servants to bring the guests to the wedding.  Maybe there was car trouble.  Or the bridge was out.  Maybe the king would have to send helicopters to the guests.  But even with a personal chauffeur to the wedding of the king's son, the guests would not come.  Can you believe that?  Even after the servants told the guests that the dinner was prepared and the best food was there for their liking, they still didn't want to go.  They had other things to do.  Better things.  What could be better than the wedding prepared by the king?

The king was rightfully upset.  So he finally told his servants that the wedding is ready, but there needed to be guests.  He told them not to waste any more time of those he invited to the wedding.  Instead, find as many people as you can find and invited them.  The servants went everywhere.  Walmart, Sams, Target, parks, streets, houses, tents.  Everywhere.  They did not have to worry about what to wear because the king would provide wedding garments for each guest.  So they all came.  They accepted the invitation.  

If I was invited to a wedding put on by the king, I would want to make sure I was wearing my best.  My best would be whatever the king provided for me. I would gladly put on the garments provided to me.  Yet, there was a guest who chose not to put on the wedding garments.  He was approached by the king.  "Where are your wedding garments?"

He was speechless.  He had no excuse for his actions.  All he had to do was put on the clothing provided for him.  This was unacceptable.  He was kicked out of the wedding.  I am sure the king was saddened by this.  It is unfortunate, but he had a choice.  He chose to wear his own filthy rags to the wedding of a prince.  

Can you believe there were people who refused the invitation to the wedding of the king's son?  Or that someone would choose not to wear garments provided by the king?

Although this is actually a parable told by Jesus in Matthew 22:1-14, it is something that will actually happen. 

We are all invited to the wedding.  The King of kings is hosting a wedding.  He wants us all there.  He has sent out the invitations.  He wants you to accept His invitation.  He doesn't want you to come in your street clothes.  He doesn't want you to wear your filthy rags.  He is providing a robe for you to wear.  The robe represents the character you must possess to be accounted fit for the wedding.  Each guest will be judged by their character, the one thing we will take to heaven with us.  

In Christ Object Lessons, chapter 24, page 310, it says,
"By the king's examination of the guests at the feast has represented a work of judgment.  The guests at the gospel feast are those who profess to serve God, those whose names are written in the book of life.  But not all who profess to be Christians are true disciples.  Before the final reward is given, it must be decided who are fitted to share the inheritance of the righteous.  This decision must be made prior to the second coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven; for when He comes, His reward is with Him, 'to give every man according as his work shall be.' Before His coming, then, the character of every man's work will have been determined, and to every one of Christ's followers the reward will have been apportioned according to his deeds."
You are invited to the wedding.  Will you accept His invitation?  God has a robe of righteousness for you.  Will you put it on?  I want to accept it.  I want to wear His robe.  But this is possible only By God's Amazing Grace.

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