Monday, August 16, 2021

Get Back Up

 About five years ago, a good friend bought Little Bit a bike with training wheels. She has ridden the bike on and off again over the years. One day, one of the training wheels started to come off. Instead of trying to fix it, I took them both off and we began trying to teach Little Bit how to ride her bike sans training wheels. It has not been easy. Her fear prevented her from actually trying. She wanted her training wheels back on but we insisted she continue to try. 

Well, she decided she wanted to try again. The Hubs and I are standing on the porch since it had just rained. We honestly didn’t expect too much. Mostly just some rolling around. But she surprised us. She would try to get her feet on the pedals. Only reason she moved forward is she kept pushing herself, not because she was pedaling. 

But then, all of a sudden, she was actually pedaling. Maybe just for a second or two, but she was doing it. And she kept trying. She didn’t give up. Until she was actually pedaling up and down the street. We were so amazed. She even said, “I bet you are so proud of me!” Why yes, we were very proud of her. We were shocked. Amazed. And immensely proud. She would fall over and she kept getting back up. She didn’t quit. After about an hour of riding, we finally had her come inside. 

She reminded me of a verse in Proverbs. Chapter 24 verse 16 says “For a just man falls seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” 

Let’s break this verse down. A just man. Righteous. Justified and vindicated by God. 

Falls. Fall short. Fail.

Seven times and riseth up again. To persist. 

But the wicked. Guilty of sin. 

Shall fall. To stumble or be feeble. 

Into mischief. Unpleasant evil. 

A righteous, justified and vindicated man may fail seven times but he persists. But a man guilty of sin will stumble into unpleasant evil. 

The key here? He persists. If he fails, he keeps going. If he falls, he gets back up again. He, like Little Bit, didn’t let a fall keep him down. He got up and tried again. Perfection of character isn’t expected today. Sanctification is a work of a lifetime. 

When I teach in class, I know my kids are going to make mistakes. But I expect them to keep trying and not to give up. And when the test comes, I still don’t expect perfection. But I see so much growth in them at this point. 

So when a little Bit gets on her bike again, do I expect her to ride her bike without falling over? Not at all. I know she will fall over again. Hey, I still fall over sometimes when I ride my bike.  It I expect her to get up and try again. 

Be the righteous man. Or woman. If you fall. If you fail.  If you make a mistake.  Get up. Try again. Don’t stay down. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. And move forward. Ask God for help.  I matter what, don’t stay down. Get up. This is possible only By God’s Amazing Grace. 

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