Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 As a family unit, we all have chores to do around the house.  Little Bit is in charge of dishes, the kitty litter, her room, and her laundry.  We pretty much do everything else around the house.  Why do we give her chores? Well, one, it teaches responsibility.  Two, we love her and she loves us, so we should help each other out around the house.  

Usually, Little Bit will do her chores without too much issue.  The problem comes when we have to remind her.  We usually get the response, "Boring! That's no fun!" followed by some grumbling and complaining. We remind her that if she did her chores in a timely manner, she could do the things she wanted to do.  

We also talk about how our attitude affects how we feel about something.  None of us LIKE doing chores. But we do them anyway.  Mommy and Daddy don't grumble and complain when we do our chores.  And we find ways to make them fun!  How?

I like to listen to music and sing while I am doing my chores.  I like to make a game out of them.  If Little Bit and I are doing chores together, we play with each other while working.  I explain to her that chores can be fun if we make them that way.  But we should do all things without grumbling and complaining. Philippians 2:14.

I also remind Little Bit that whatever she does, she needs to do all to the glory of God.  1 Corinthians 10:31 Even chores can be done to the glory of God.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as for the Lord. Colossians 3:23

We remind her of this all the time.  I know we will have to repeat the lesson multiple times. And that is ok.  We love Little Bit and we want her to want to help us.

But Little Bit isn't the only one who needs to learn this lesson.  This does not just apply to chores.  It applies to our daily lives.  Maybe your boss gave you a task that needs to be completed. Do the job as if you are doing it for God, not for man.  

Maybe your wife asks you to pick up something from the store...maybe chocolate? Go to the store without grumbling or complaining.  

Maybe you just have to go to work, but you really need a day off. Whatever you do, do it to the glory of God.  You can honor Him even when you do things you don't want to do.

And find ways to make your tasks enjoyable.  It doesn't have to be boring. 

There are many things we have to do in life that we do not want to do.  There are things that we want to complain about.  But think about how your task could be so different if we approach it with an attitude of praise and glory to God instead.  It really would make a difference.

Today, whatever tasks are on your list, do them for God, not for your boss, parents, spouse, friends.  When you glorify God, you will uplift our fellow man.  This is possible only By God's Amazing Grace.

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