Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wet Panties and a Clean Heart

Little Bit has learned a new trick.  She now goes pee the potty!  My husband and I started teaching her this new trick about a month ago.  And she caught on pretty quickly.  It took her about a week to recognize when she needed to go.  She began by asking to go potty while pee would trickle down her legs.  That caused quite a few messes.  And tons of laundry.  Then she started to get a little better at it.  She would run to the bathroom and actually make it in time.  She no longer is an amateur.  Not quite a professional.  Maybe an apprentice.  But she will get there in no time!

Today, Little Bit was playing with her cousin.  She was preoccupied having tons of toddler fun.  Until she had to go potty.  "Want go pee pee," she exclaimed while running down the hallway.  We rush into the bathroom and I get her on the potty.  And that is when I noticed.  She was so preoccupied, having so much fun, that she didn't realize in time that she had to go potty.  She did not make it to the toilet.  Dirty panties off, clean ones on the way. 

Did I get mad?  No.  Was I upset?  Not at all.  She is a toddler.  I understand.  Accidents happen.  While I clean her up, I explain to her that she needs to go pee pee in the potty and not her panties.  I realize she is still learning and I need to be patient with her.  It is not like she pee'd in her pants just because she wanted to put on a new outfit.  It was just an accident.  My love for her did not change.  I didn't yell at her and tell her she was such a bad child cause she didn't go pee pee in the potty.  I just showed her love.

And it is amazing.  I am much older than Little Bit and I have accidents, too.  There are times that I am not able to hold my tongue and I say things that are not nice; things that might hurt someone's feelings.  There are times that I get so preoccupied that I am not able to control my thoughts and actions.  There are times that I need to put a new outfit on, whether it be a smile or a new attitude.  And every time I slip up, have an accident, make a mistake, God patiently and lovingly cleans me up. He helps me to change my attitude.  He changes my perspective.  He changes my heart.  

I cannot change on my own.  I need to change from the inside out.  It is not a feasible task for me to handle.  The only way I can change, be a better person, is By God's Amazing Grace!

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